Growing through discipleship point -4

    Jan 19, 2022 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    Point 4 - We grow as disciples through Serving – Matthew 20:20-38

    Principle: We serve as an expression of the heart of God and our faith. James 2:14-26
    Application: Find an area to volunteer or to provide your measure and serve. Colossians 3:23-24

    In Matthew 20:20-38
    we find the disciples expressing their desire to be great.
    One rendition has their mother approaching Jesus. Another rendition has them inquiring themselves.
    In both situation Jesus did not rebuke their ambition and desire to be great. Fact is; we were created with the desire to excel. Jesus simply proceeded to teach them how being great was defined according to the Kingdom of God and how to achieve it. 
    Greatness is defined and achieved by the measure of the service we minister in the sphere of our influence. 

    We all have a measure to serve in this life in the different seasons of our lives.
    Don’t take for granted the areas of your influence, your family, community, job and church. These are platforms that provide opportunities to serve. Serving is selflessly giving of yourself according to a task, cause or purpose. Our serving is a deposit to humanity that expresses God’s heart in and through us. We are to mimic the Lord and be great at serving. Serving according to God's purposes is the only thing
    that brings true fulfillment to our lives. And it glorifies God as our architect and creator. 

    Serving impacts our self-centeredness and selfishness. Philippians 2:1-4  
    We live in such a self-centered and selfish world. And typically, most are motivated by what they can get from a given situation or person. And yes, this thinking has crept into the church. Most view church as a consumer, thinking. what can I get from it. Living always to get is an unfulfilling vain way to live. Serving reduces selfishness and self-centeredness. your not always looking to get, but to give and serve. 

    Serving is an essential part of our faith that touches our lives and others.  

    • We were created and purposed to serve. Ephesians 2:10 
    • We grow in discipleship by following Jesus example to serve. Mark 10:41-45
    • According to the kingdom of God, we achieve greatness by the measure of our serving. 

    Many of our greatest leaders and humanitarians were and are great servants.


    Serving impact others as well as us.
    Lives are touched; nations, communities, families, churches and organizations are bettered when we serve.
    As we serve, we experience growth, transformation as well as realize our leadership spirit, potential and purposes.
    Serving impacts lives and it is transformational. Serving as Disciples express the heart of God and our faith.

    Serving is an attitude that expresses our faith in action. 
    James 2:14-18 / Philippians 2:5-11
    Yes, our faith is principled in our faith in the word of God and the work of Jesus on our behalf. However, our faith is demonstrated and lived out by our actions. We are to serve in those areas of need and those areas we are purposed in the sphere of our influence. This is an attitude based on our desire to impact others, situations and organizations.

    There was an apparent need in the early church Acts 6:1-6
    Those that stepped up impacted those in need as well as the functioning of the church.  They weren’t looking for what the church could do for them; they saw a need and stepped in to fulfill it. It provided a platform for their measure to springboard from that caused their growth as well. Although they started in that area, many of them grew into other areas of ministry. 

    Serving causes transformational growth.
    As we serve we touch others and the organizations. At the same time, we grow personally and in our faith. It may take you out of your comfort zone. Don’t be fearful move towards it and grow. Or it may need you to discover the leader within that you didn't know you were,  don’t back down, move towards it and grow. As we serve, we evolve, develop, grow and are transformed. It taps that inner potential and causes transformational growth.

    Think about Peter. He was a tuff fisherman.
    A no nonsense guy who often responded to things before he actually thought them through. His choice to serve as a disciple of Christ caused him to develop the heart of God, deal with people in the character of God and become an apostle. As Disciples of Christ, serving causes growth, evolution and transformation in our lives. 

    Serving allows us to deposit what God has placed in us into the earth.  Ephesians 4:7-14
    God is a God of purpose. When He created you and I He created us for several purposes. And in each of those purposes He has deposited in us a measure, gift, inclination or ability to serve and achieve that purpose. Serving out of that deposit according to the purposes of God brings us fulfillment and glorifies God as our master architect and creator. 1 Corinthians 7:7  

    Notice what Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:9
    God called and purposes him to be an apostle. God deposited in him all that he needed to fulfill and achieve that purpose. All Paul had to do was follow God and serve. Philippians 2:17 (NIV) 17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.
    Answer the following questions;  They may assist you in finding an area for you serve. 
    • What is God's purpose for my life in this season?
    • Where is there a need that I can serve in?
    • What gift, ability or inclination has God placed in me that I can be used to serve? 
    • What area, condition, people or circumstance provokes my inner passion?
    • How can I use my abilities to assist and serve in that area? 
    • What ministry or cause touches my heart that I can commit to and serve in?
    Your gifting, abilities and inclinations are all deposits from God for His purpose. Isaiah 43:7
    They are given to us to serve and deposit in the earth. Yes, they can cause you to be blessed. But that’s a byproduct. They are primarily given to deposit and serve in the earth according to the purposes of God to impact nations, organizations, communities, people and churches; all to the glory of God. 
    So, we actually are serving from a deposited given to us by God to serve in that season. Therefore, serving bring glory to God. 

    As Disciples of Christ we serve to please God to His glory. 1 Thessalonians 4:1
    Most, if not all actions and behaviors are motivated by something. When it comes to serving, our motivation should not be for the applause and the approbation of people. Nor for the notoriety or the blessings that may come our way. Our primary reason for serving should be to impact others, accomplish the will and purposes of God and to bring Him glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31

    As Disciples of Christ, we serve as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23-24
    While many are the direct recipients and may be bettered and blessed by you serving your abilities, heart and care, they should not be the ultimate reason for your service. That way, there is no expectation of gratitude from them. So you’re not disappointed when you don’t get it, or when your not recognized, or when some one doesn't say thank you. This way your service will be genuine, from the heart, as unto the Lord.

    You’re serving as unto the lord; for His approbation, to please Him, to His glory. 
    Your serving as if your actions and affords are being done to the Lord Himself and to please Him. It’s His approbation that you desire. There is nothing in this world that will match that inner feeling when others are blessed by your affords. And certainly there is nothing that will compare to that inner approval that come from the Lord when we serve as unto Him and it please Him. Add to it the feeling you get from how it impacted the organization or others and serving becomes a joy. And certainly, it will fulfill your life like nothing else will. 

    Point 4 - We grow as disciples through Serving – Matthew 20:20-38

    a part of being discipled is finding an area to volunteer to serve.
    Preferably a cause or a mission that gets your attention or pulls on your heart. One that may speak to your skillset or abilities. And even if it takes you out of your comfort zone, do it. It will give you a different life experience and cause growth. And we all desire to be appreciated and recognized. And most desire to excel. Well, we were created with the desire to have ambition and want to excel. The greatest measure of this is found and experienced in our serving.  

    We serve as an expression of the heart of God and our faith. James 2:14-26
    Application: Find an area to provide your measure and serve. Colossians 3:23-24

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    There is no test. The test is you finding an area to champion and give yourself to in service. 
    We serve as unto the Lord to please Him and get His approbation. So we do it to the best of our abilities, faithfully and in excellence.  We serve ultimately to please God and hear Him say well done.
    1st Corinthians 4:1-2 / Philippians 1:9-10 / Mathew 25:14-23

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