Growing through Discipleship - point 1

    Oct 27, 2022 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    Point 1 - We grow as disciples through the word of God. Deuteronomy 8:3 / Matthew 4:4

    Kingdom Principle: The word of God is our primary tool of growth. 1Peter 2:2 / 2 Timothy 3:16-17
    Life application: We are to walk, apply and obey God's word. Joshua 1:8 / James 1:21-22
    But first, we've got to commit to reading and studying it. 1 Timothy 4:13-16 / 2Timothy 2:15

    Where do I start?

    This is a great question asked by many who just get saved or by those desiring to grow in God's word.
    I recommend that you start in the New Testament, the gospel of John. Then read Matthew, continuing through the entire New Testament. Try to read three chapters every day. Once you've finished the New Testament, began at Genesis and read through the entire bible. Keep in mind, there are programs that you can subscribe to that you can follow that will take you through the bible in one year. We actually have one on our site, and recommend it. Click the icon and check it  out. 

    Also, we recommend that you subscribe to a daily devotional to read. It makes for a great way to start or end your dy. 
    Again, we have one on our site that you are welcome to use until you find one that you like or prefer. 
    Click the icon and check it out. 


    We grow as disciples through reading, learning and applying the word of God.

    Our discipleship starts and is undergirded by our knowledge of the word of God. Our growth is predicated on our knowledge, understanding and application of the word of God. We will not live or experience God above our knowledge of His word. No matter how much you desire to experience God's influence. It's determined by your knowledge of His word. 
    2 Peter 1:1-4

    You can shout, dance or do any other religious or churchy thing.
    But it will not matter much without growing in the word of God. Look at John 4:22-24. Knowing the word of God gives us His perspective and will for our lives and the world we live in. It gives us principles, wisdom and instructions to live by. And it fuels our faith and informs our behavior. Our discipleship is principled in the word of God. 

    Discipleship starts and is undergirded by the word of God. That's why its so imperative to read and study it,
    •The word is profitable for doctrine, reproof, and correction. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
    •The word unveils the things that are released on our behalf. 1 John 5:13
    •The word renews our minds and causes us to know God’s will. Romans 12:1-2
    •The word instructs us on how to invoke the influence of God. Joshua 1:8
    •The word of God liberates us from error, and frees us to become our best. John 8:32

    God has always desired that humanity know and live by His word. Jeremiah 31:33-34

    God went through extensive measures to protect and provide us a written rendition of His word. He provided His word for us to know Him, His will, His kingdom principles and to better our lives by it. 2 Peter 1:21

    This is why the enemy fights so hard to keep us from knowing the word of God.
    People’s reluctance to read and grow in the word plays into the enemies plans. One thing that cults and religious error have in common is their desire to control you and what you are exposed to by way of information. This includes the word of God. It's easier to deceive and keep people in bondage when they don’t know the truth. And it’s easier to sheep heard people into misguided concepts, forms or godliness and religious deceptions when they don’t know the word of God.  Even the enemy knows the power and liberty in knowing and learning the word of God. John 8:32

    The enemy desires to keep people from the word of God. And if he can't he desires that it does not bear fruit. Mark 4. 
    He has strategically implemented and choreographed different concepts and approaches in our social order to cause the word to be rejected, or become unfruitful in the life of the hearer. They are affliction, persecution, the cares of the world, deceitfulness of riches and lust for other things. They will hinder the word’s effectiveness in our hearts, minds, faith and lives. However, as you grow in the word and with God, you can overcome them and even grow through them. 1 Peter 1:6-7

    Herein is the need and the power of being discipled through the word of God.
    Discipleship anchors our soul in God. It gives us the perspective of His will, wisdom and intent for our lives and world. And it gives us instructions on how to live and navigate through life. It builds our faith and trust in God’s influence and kingdom principles and it leads and empower us to overcome. The word of God is His light to our paths and life to strengthen us. John 6:63 / Psalm 119:105

    However, knowing the word of God and being discipled in it are two different things
    To know the word of God is to have a relevant understanding of its contextual meaning. Yet, knowing alone does not impact our lives, application does James 1:21-25.  To be discipled in the word is to know it and apply it to our lives.
    Discipleship causes us to experience growth with God that leads to us being transformed from glory to glory. 

    That's why the disciples were call Christian in Antioch ( Acts 11:26). It wasn't about a religious affiliation. It was about how they submitted to the teachings of Jesus and how it impacted, changed their lives and cause them to become Christ-like. 

    However, the word must have free course in our lives as Lord. 2nd Thessalonians 3:1 / Colossians 3:16.
    As you read or hear the word, it may lead, inform, educate,  inspire, convict or uprooted some things in your life.
    That's the course in may take in your heart and mind. This course speaks to who is Lord in your life. You obey it and allow it free course, then Jesus is Lord.  If not, your still Lord over your life. It must be given free course to establish the lordship of Christ in our hearts through application. Often people accept Jesus as savior over their salvation, but not Lord over their lives. If He is Lord, your submitting your will and life to Him through obeying and applying His word. Luke 6:46-49 

    True discipleship accepts Jesus as savior and Lord. It’s demonstrates through their application and obedience to His word.

    Free course gives the word liberty to discerns our hearts and lead us to make changes. Hebrews 4:12-13
    It will speak to the areas that we need change, wisdom, instructions or correction. And it will lead and convict us of sin. Once this occurs, we have a choice. Do we remain the same or apply the word to that area in our lives, repent and change. And it will leads us in to understand who God is.  
    John 16:8 / 1st John 1:7-10. Herein is how being discipled causes change and transforms our lives. 

    This is the process of putting off what is not like Christ and putting on Christ-likeness. Colossians 3:5-14

    You’re not just putting off sin through repentance and change. You’re putting on who God called you to be and growing in His character and Christlikeness. And we are choosing His ways above ours. True disciples of Christ except Jesus as savior and Lord through loving Him, and the application of His word. Our lives should be an ongoing project of growth and transformation. 2 Corinthians 3:18

    This is what caused Jesus disciples to be transformed and called Christians in Acts 11:26
    Again, they were not called Christians because of any religious association. Actually, they did not call themselves that, others did. Many knew them before Jesus came into their lives. They called them Christians because they observed their lives being transformed into Christ-likeness because of Him. This was the result of them applying the Lord's teachings and the strength of God in them. True Discipleship causes Christ-likeness. 

    This also is the process of yielding and growing in the strength of God. Ephesians 3:16 / Romans 6:12-13 
    In some cases, change may not be so easy. There are things we’ve been doing for a long time. And now, we are saved and trying to be led by God's Spirit and His word to stop and change. This is less about your will and more about prayer, humility and yielding. So beat yourself up and give up when change doesn't happen over night. some things may take longer to put off than others. Now, that not an excuse to sin, but a note of patience towards yourself. And the understanding that we all are still on the potters wheel and a work in progress, But you should be moving in the right direction towards overcoming and putting off the acts of the flesh and sin.  
    And there are things that we overcome only through the strength of God.
    As you are challenged in certain areas of your life, go to the word and see what God says about it. Repent from it, then ask  the Lord to give you a revelation of it and strengthen you to grow and or overcome it.  And then yield to that inner prompting and empowerment. This will bring you closer to God as you realize His strength, mercy and sufficiency.
    2 Corinthians 12:8-10

    Again, as a disciple, put yourself on a daily reading program.
    Most people eat every day to sustain strength and health. Well the same is applicable to our spiritual health.
    Daily reading improves your spiritual health as well. And don’t just read the word, study it for a deeper understanding. 
    As you read, questions will come up. Those are the times when you take a journey into the word of God through studying. You’re digging for understanding and illumination. The word of God will birth insights to those who seek them. 
    And above all, apply, obey and walk in the word of God. It will absolutely change your life.

    Consistent reading and studying positions you to be an ever learning agent. Philippians 3:12-14
    No matter how long you've been saved, there's always revelations in the word to learn and glean. The process of discipleship through the word of God invites us to be continual learners. We should be teachable and open to God exposing us to new insights and revelations. This is the power of being discipled through the word. You’re illuminated to put off some things, and to put on some things. You’re always on a journey of growth with God and personal maturation.

    God purposed us to have His word to unveil His perspective, renew our minds and grow by.
    He protected and gave us His word in a sixty six volume collection for us to be discipled in it. There is so much wisdom for life and power in the word of God.  It is alive and more than able to produce in us what it was sent to do Isaiah 55:11.
    But again, don’t just hear or read the word of God. That’s not being discipled. True discipleship walk in and apply his word to their lives. Be a disciple of Christ through reading and applying God's word to your life.

    Being a disciple through the word positions you to be led, receive wisdom, experience the influence of God, be blessed and be transformed into Christ-likeness. And that brings glory to God!

    Kingdom Principle: The word of God is our primary tool of growth. 1Peter 2:2 / 2 Timothy 3:16-17
    Life application: We are to walk, apply and obey God's word. Joshua 1:8 / James 1:21-22
    But first, we've got to commit to reading and studying it. 1 Timothy 4:13-16 / 2Timothy 2:15

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    Click here for point 2

    Follow up Point 1 Test questions

    Growing Through Discipleship – Matthew 28:18-20
    Point 1 - We grow as disciples through the word of God.

    Kingdom Principle: The word of God is the primary tool of discipleship. 1st Peter 2:2
    Life application: Commit to reading and studying the word of God daily. 1st Timothy 4:13

    Test questions
    1. According to 2nd Peter 1:1-4 how is grace and peace multiplied unto us?

    2. According to 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 what are the scriptures profitable for?

    3. According to Joshua 1:8 what is necessary to experience prosperity and good success. 

    4. According to 2nd Peter 1:2 holy men spoke as they were moved by who?

    5. According to Mark 4, what are the five things the enemy uses to cause the word to be unfruitful.

    6. According to James 1:21-25 we have to be what of the word in order for it to be effective in our lives? 

    7. According to Luke 6:46-49, how is it determined who is Lord in your life?

    8. What does the word Christian mean in Acts 11:26?

    9. How will you apply it to your life?

    10. What have you learned from this point of teaching?

    Click here for the answers

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