The Need & Power of a Renewed Mind - Romans 12:2 | Part 3

    Mar 8, 2023 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    The Need & Power of a Renewed Mind - Romans 12:2 | Part 3

    One of the most important and powerful components in our lives is our thinking. 
    Where we currently are at in our natural and spiritual lives is in part the result of our thinking. If you desire to change it; it starts with your thinking. 

    How do we renew our minds?

    1. We renew our minds by daily reading God's word. 1st Timothy 4:13-15

    This reading is for volume. Consider putting yourself on a read through the bible in one year program. It will keep you disciplined and serve as an accountability tool to assist your focus on reading regularly. And if you miss a day, don't beat yourself up, just go to next day. The key is consistency and reading regularly. We actually have a read through the bible link on our front page. In addition, consider adding a daily devotion to your morning routine. Consider reading a chapter of Proverbs every morning. There are 31, one for each day of the month. You'll gain wisdom from it. Note: nothing works consistently until its incorporated into your daily routine.

    We encourage you to hit the links below and try these out;


     2. We renew our minds by studying God's word. 1st Timothy 2:15

    Studying is not the same as reading. Studying is the breaking down the scriptures for revelation, insight, guidance and wisdom. It will give you revelation and renew your thinking. I encourage you to review our article on how Studying God’s word effectively. It will assist you in how to study. Studying God's word is profitable to our growth. 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 Your studying to gain wisdom, illumination and revelation from the word of God. As God reveals His word to you, your mind will be renewed and you will grow. Also, consider joining a study group in your church or a Christian organization of higher learning. You want to position yourself to learn as much about God's word that you can. 

    3. We renew our minds by meditating on the word of God. 1st Timothy 4:15

    Reading and studying the word of God are necessary in renewing our minds. Yet, there are times when we have to pause and meditate on a certain text. To meditate means to think on something intently. You’re considering the nature and meaning of the text and how it applies and impacts your life. Most of us do this all the time. It's called worrying. We constantly think about it and all of its possibilities. Well in this case, it will be on the word of God. Meditating on the word renews your mind and moves it from your head to your heart. 

    4. We renew our mind by applying God's word. James 1:21-25 / Joshua 1:8 / Isaiah 1:19

    Application reinforces what you've learned in your heart and rewrites the map of your reality. Aside from application, the word of God will have little effect on your life. Here is where many are deceived. They believe hearing alone brings the influence of God and change. Although hearing the word of God undergirds our faith, application and obedience causes us to be transformed and positions us to experience the success of God. 

    5. We renew our minds by subjecting our thinking to God's word.2nd Corinthians 10:4-6

    We all have thoughts that come from different places. Some come from God, spiritual forces, people, the media and other outlets. The question is; whose narrative or thinking are you going to except and subject yourself to. Remember, good or bad, our lives will go the way of our thinking. Therefore, we should be mindful what we hear and subject it all to the word of God. When we except and subject our thinking to the word of God it renews our mind and lines us up with His perspectives and will. This also applies to choosing what you hear. Subject everything you hear to the word of God.

    6. We renew our minds by disciplining our five sense gates. Proverbs 4:23

    Our senses are gateways to our soul; more specifically our ears, eyes and hearing. We want to be mindful of what and who we allow to be poured into our minds. By disciplining our sense gates, we can eliminate or cut down wordily influences, clutter, junk, deceptive concepts and error that deceives or pervert our minds. It matter what you allow into your soul.

    Look at Lot in 2nd Peter 2:8. The things that he allowed to enter his soul had a bad effect on his soul and his life and eventually, the lives of his family. We are to discipline our soul gates by bringing all in subjection to God’s word. Acts 17:10-11

    One of the greatest and necessary tasks for any believer is to renew their minds.
    Again, after getting saved, renewing the mind is the most important task for every believer. God's word is the pathway and covenant that unveils His will, heart intent for our lives. It gives us His perspective on who we are, who He is, His will and intent for this world. Renewing our minds builds faith and trust in God. It empowers our self esteem and raises our consciousness to unit with Christ in heavenly places. Ephesians 2:4-6

    There is so much Power and Impact in Renewing your Mind.
    • Renewing our minds causes us to develop the mind of Christ ~ 1st Corinthians 2:12-16
    • Renewing our minds causes us to have insight into God's heart ~ 1stCorinthians 2:9-15
    • Renewing of minds positions us to be liberated by His word ~ John 8:31-32
    • Renewing our minds writes God's laws on our hearts ~ Jeremiah 31:33
    • Renewing our minds impacts our behavior ~ Hebrew 4:12-13
    • Renewing our mind causes us to have a sound mind ~ 2nd Timothy 1:7
    • Renewing our minds builds our trust and faith in God ~ Romans 10:17

    Following these instructions will position you to renew your mind and causes growth, spiritually and naturally. God’s word works when applied correctly. Follow His word and get ready to be blessed, empowered, enlightened and transformed, in Jesus name!

    Many Blessings

    Keep in mind that hearing alone does not impact your life or bring God’s success; obedience and application Does. Apply these instruction and walk in them. Then you will experience God’s influence in your life. Joshua 1:8 / James 1:22

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