Developing Godly self Esteem - Luke 15:11-24

    May 6, 2022 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    Developing Godly self Esteem - Luke 15:11-24

    Developing Godly self esteem informs and illuminates our thinking in regards to who God called and created us to be. And it empowers us to do what He declared in His word that we are capable of doing. It liberates us from the need for peoples opinion of us and their affirmation. As we get our affirmation in regards of who we are primarily from God.
    In addition, developing Godly self esteem lines our value of ourselves up with God's value of us. 

    Our self esteem can determine our altitude, growth, forward movement in life, and our destiny.
    Keep in mind, we will not live above the perception or value that we have of ourselves. And we will accept the behavior from others and their love based upon what we believe we deserve according to our value of ourselves. 
    Therefore, developing Godly self esteem, your value and perception of yourself is principled in God's word, not people.  

    In our opening text we find what many call the prodigal son. Although the choice to receive an inheritance was the first born son’s choice, this young man chose to grab some financial resources and live lavishly. Once it became evident that this was not the life for him, he chose to return home. However, his sins had caused him to develop low self esteem and he saw himself less than a hired servant. His low self esteem impacted his value and expectation of himself. 

    Self-esteem is a term used to reflect a person’s overall perception and self value of themselves. Self esteem touches every area of our lives because we typically will not live above our self perception and esteem that we have of ourselves. And we will accept the love and the behavior from others that we believe we deserve or are worth. This is why it’s so impotent to develop Godly self esteem. Low self esteem impacts your self worth, dignity and your destiny.

    Low self esteem impedes success and growth as well as impacts your life negatively. 
    When you see yourself in a low manner, your expectation of your self is low. So you don’t expect to win or succeed. Often you look for failure, and in some cases, you don't even try. And as a coping mechanism of low self esteem, some abuse substance, or become, sexual promiscuous for affirmation or become a people pleaser, in hopes that others will build your esteem through their affirmation. None of this is good for you spiritually or naturally. And it impedes your growth and success.

    Consider the leaders Moses sent out to spy out the land in Numbers 33. 
    Upon returning they gave a favorable report in regards to the lands ability to accommodate their numbers and feed them. But they also saw other people in the land that were bigger than them. And their low self esteem led them to see themselves as grasshoppers and unable to take the land. Their low self esteem most likely was the result of years of slavery and subjugation from others. Although God had called them His people and given them the land, their low self esteem hindered many from experiencing it, God's success and His destiny for their lives. 

    It's very difficult to achieve above our perception and value that you have of ourselves.  

    Consider the woman that met Jesus at the well in John 4. When encountering this woman, Jesus inquired about her husband. He knew that she had been with several men. In many corners in their culture, women were looked upon as lesser than men. There is a strong possibility that her behavior was an attempt to get affirmation because of her low self esteem. She may have been looking for affirmation and self esteem in the wrong place.  

    In relationships, we often except the kind of love that we believe we deserve based on our value of ourselves.

    Low self esteem presents itself in various ways in our lives. Many do things to mask their low view of themselves or do things to receive validation from others. This behavior will continue because you are attempting to get value and self esteem from the wrong source. This can negatively impact your life. Your value does not come from people, things, behavior, your job or even your lineage, 

    Your value comes from your creator, God. Developing  Godly self-esteem starts by looking to Him and His word.

    When we see ourselves according to God word, and set our esteem according to it, we position ourselves to grow and succeed. Look at Gideon in Judges 6. In this text we find an angelical being approaching Gideon concerning their situation and his leadership in changing it. Notice the angel called Gideon a mighty man of valor. Gideon did not see himself in that manner and had very low self esteem. He based it on his lineage and family history. The fleece Gideon put out was not about his faith in God. It was the result of him needing to be affirmed because of his low self esteem.

    Gideon chose to accept God’s word and principled his value and self esteem in it. 
    The result was him leading his people in an awesome victory and later becoming a judge in the nation. This is what occurs when we principle our value and self esteem in what and who God declares we are in His word, opposed to the world and others opinion. This is the power of developing Godly self esteem by building our value and self esteem according to God’s word.

    The key to Developing Godly self esteem is seeing yourself according to God’s word. 
    We develop Godly self esteem by learning and excepting whom God declares we are and recognizing His value of us. Godly self esteem is God’s perception and value of us being realized by us. It’s not principled in this world or people, but in the word of God. Learn and accept what God says about you and build your self esteem around it.

    • Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-brake on. Maxwell Maltz
    • “Know your worth, hold your own power, be you.” – Morgan Harper Nichols
    • “When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless.” – Anonymous
    Something wonderful occurs when you build your self esteem on God’s value of you.
    • Godly self esteem builds up our confidence in yourself
    • Godly self esteem lifts our expectation of your self higher 
    • Godly self esteem frees us from needing affirmation from people and things
    • Godly self esteem frees us from being a people pleaser and the need of their opinions
    • Godly self esteem lines us up with God’s perception and value of us.
    Godly Self esteem is developed by us excepting God’s perception and value of us. 
    Our self esteem is derived from our perspective and value of ourselves.     However, we don’t come here with a set of values encoded in our thinking. Values are learned and developed. Our self esteem must be developed from God's perspectives of us that's outlined in His word. Keep in mind that often mans values are based on influence, selfishness, usury and the relationship. While God’s values of us is principled in our relationship with Him, potential, purpose and the price to redeem us.

    God’s value system of us was initially defined in creation. 
    I say initially because that value needed to be recalibrated when man fail, requiring a price to redeem him. We will look at that later in this teaching. Our value is found in our position, purpose and potential. We are to principle our value and self esteem in them. Understanding them gives us a better understanding of God’s value of us. We develop Godly self esteem by  anchoring our self worth in them.  

    God’s value of us is defined by our Position as His children - 1 John 3:1-2.
    If you are reborn of the Spirit of God, you are His childWhat else in creation does God call His sons and daughter? This is a special place of value in the heart of God. This makes us the most valued in all of God's creation. We are the apple of God's eye. Psalm 7:8. This is a position in God's household and kingdom. Ephesians 2:19. This is a position of authority and royalty. 1 Peter 2:19

    See yourself as a child of God and base your self esteem around that fact. 
    There is nothing in this world that can call itself a child of God. It represents the highest of value to God and a privileged distinction. This position required us to be created in the image of God and tri-part beings, spirit, souls and bodies. Animals have bodies and souls, but no spirits.
    It’s in our spirit where we are the children of God. See yourself as a child of God and set your self esteem on that fact.

    God’s value of us is defined by our Purpose – Psalms 8. 
    Purpose defines why something was created. As kings and queens we are created to represent God and exercise His dominion and will in the earth under His Kingdom rule. What a great honor and responsibility God has given to His children. There is no other agent in the planet given this responsibility. Do you see how important and valuable you are to God?

    See yourself according to God’s purpose and set your self esteem around that fact. 
    Nothing in creation has that distinction or was given that purpose by God. This sets our value above it all. Everything about us sets our value above everything in the planet. To set you value and self esteem based on anything in this world is an insult to God as your father and creator. Set you self esteem on that high calling and God given purpose. 

    God’s value of us is defined by our Potential - Psalm 139:14-16. 
    Whenever God creates something He designs and deposits everything in it that it needs to accomplish its purpose. When He created us, He places it in us in potential form. Our make up is of the highest composition and value, physically, mentally and spiritually. We are unique amongst all of creation. And the greatest deposit given to us is the Holy Spirit 2 Corinthians 4:7. There is no other being in the planet that has the potential of humanity. This places our value above all of God’s creation. 

    See yourself as the highest creation of God and set your self esteem around that fact. 
    This is not to make you conceited or think more highly of yourself than you should. Our value was set in place by God for God, not us. All that we are and are able to do or achieve is because of Him. We are simply recognizing it and establishing our value and self esteem by it. Our value and self esteem is principled in God as our creator. To God be the glory!

    When we look at these areas, we will find our value established in heavenly places. 
    Therefore, there is nothing in this universe that will equal God’s value of us. And certainly, there is nothing in this world’s economy or system that will equal God’s value of us. No thing, amount of money, job or anything that you can think off will equal God’s value of us. Don't attach your value or self esteem to any of it.  Connect your value and self esteem to God’s value of you in His word.

    However, as I mentioned, our initial purpose was disrupted by Adams sin, so God had to recalibrate our value in order to redeem humanity.
    Adams sin placed humanity in a position that disrupted man’s relationship with God and challenged his position and purpose. Therefore, God devised a system that would allow humanity to interact with Him until He sent the answer to redeem humanity and correct it. That answer and redeemer was Jesus. Ephesians 1:1-7 

    To fully understand this we have to understand the word redeem. 
    To redeem means to pay the price for something that was lost to be returned to you in its original state. Think for a moment about a pawn shop. You take something to them in order to receive money for its value. To get it back, you have to bring that amount back to redeem the item. Keep in mind, the pawn shop determines its value. If your want it back, you have to pay the price. Thankfully, Jesus paid the price. 

    God determined our value by the price to redeem us. 1 Peter 1:18-19. 
    Humanity was lost, and God had to determine its value in order to redeem it. The question is: what was God’s value of us that He was willing to pay? The angels didn’t equal our value, or anything in the world. The price was Christ Jesus. So, when we think about our value, remember that God determined our value by sending Jesus to the cross to redeem you. 

    Set the value you have of yourself and your self esteem according to God’s word. 
    Don’t set your value and self esteem according to the things in this world or peoples opinion of you. Set your value and self esteem on God's value of you concerning your position, potential, purpose and ultimately the price to redeem you. 

    That sets your value and self esteem in heavenly places; to the glory of God. 


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