Discovering your purpose – Tip 3 - Purpose through serving

    Sep 8, 2023 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    We Discover Our Purpose By Serving

    Principle: Serving is giving of one's self in service to impact conditions and better others - Matthew 20:25-27

    If we desire to discover God’s purpose for our lives, we’ve got to find a place to serve.
    Jesus gives us instructions concerning the power of our servingIn one rendition, it was their mother that approached Him. In another it was His disciples. Nonetheless, it was an expression of their ambition to excel and be great. Jesus did not rebuke their ambition to excel. He instructed them on how to do it the kingdom of God's way. He advised them that if they wanted to be great, they had to serve.
    ~ Serving helps us discover our purposes 
    We all have a measure to serve in this life. Don’t take for granted the areas of your influence with your family, community, job and certainly in your church. These are areas that need what God has placed in you for service. It is through serving that we are able to experience different areas to help us discover our purpose. Sometimes, that initial area of service leads us to our purpose. And often we choose to serve because there was a need. Even then, you are being prepared and positioned  to discover your purpose.
    So no, don't do nothing because you think you have not discovered your purpose. Or stop serving because of pass experiences. Get off the sideline and find an area to serve. It can lead to you discovering your purpose.

    Think about David; 
    When the prophet Samuel came to anoint him as king, he was serving. 1st Samuel 16:11-13
    This enabled him to learn how to be a good steward, learn commitment and responsibility. In addition, it helped him learn about who God is and His influence in his life as he cared for the sheep. Serving positions us to discover our purpose. 
    If you truly desire to discover God’s purpose for your life, you’ve find a place to serve. 

    ~ Serving opens the door for us to discover our God given purposes in that season. 
    Look at Philip in Acts 6:1-6. 
    During that time there were some concerns in the community and in the church that some were being neglected in regards to the distribution of support and other services. It became apparent that the apostles needed to stay in their lane as apostles and teachers and find others to serve in this area. This was the beginning of the Deacons and Deaconess Ministry. One of those appointed was Philip.
    This was not Phillip’s end purpose, but an area of service where he chose to start serving. Acts 8:4-8 / Acts 21:8
    It could be an area of need, or just an area that you desire to see if it’s a fit for you. But you’ve got to find a place to serve. Philip served there until God redirected him according to his purpose for his life. After the dispersion in Jerusalem because of persecution, Philip went down to Samaria. Another change of season and purpose. God used him greatly there; as many were saved and were delivered. 
    God’s anointing became apparent on his life as he discovered his next season of purpose. He is later referred to as Philip the evangelist. What started as a response to an area of need, became the catalyst in him discovering God’s will and purpose for his life. We are better able to discover our purpose when we choose to serve.

     ~ Serving is an expression of our faith – James 2:14-18
    Our serving is a part of our faith and it expresses God’s heart towards others in the earth. Every believer should find a place to serve. Doing nothing should not be an option as a believer. Serving expresses your faith, provides your measure that impacts that area, causes your growth and positions you to discover your purpose.  Jesus is our example of how we are to live out our faith serving.

    He indicated that He came to serve. Therefore, serving expresses our relationship with God and our faith. That's why we are to serve as unto Him, for His pleasure and glory.
    ~ Serving allows us to make a deposit in the earth - Jeremiah 1:4-5
    We serve out of that divine deposit from God. God has deposited in each of us a measure to serve and deposit in the earth that is timely and appropriate. It's about serving according to God's purposes, not living to see how much we can get. It's unfulfilling to live only for what you can get. And certainly, to principle your relationship with God in what you can get from Him is not correct, nor is it kingdom mindedness. We are called and purposed to make a deposit in this world. And it's measured by God's purposes for our lives.
    Consider Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A Baptist preacher; gifted by God to preach at a time that would arrest the attention of a nation. He ministered from a God given deposit that impacted many lives then and even today. He made an indellable impact on many lives in this nation and in the world. He made a deposit in the earth according to God's purpose for his life. One of his greatest sermons was called; Drum Major Instinct. It was based and principled in serving. 

    ~ Serving causes transformational growth that impacts others and prepares us for our next seasonal purpose.
    As we serve we touch others, congruently, we become unselfish, grow with God and in our faith. This is transformational growth. This growth prepares you for your next season. Often, we desire to know God’s future purpose for our lives. However, God orders our lives in seasons and steps. Consider focusing on your current place and be where your feet are. It's preperation for the next season.
    Again, this is what we find in Philips case in Acts 6:3. They used qualifiers to determine who they would appoint to this area. 
    However, these were not just qualifiers; they were foundations to build on and mature. While serving in this area, they were touching lives while building character and learning how to follow the Spirit of God. These are points that prepare you for your next season. You don’t get this experience and opportunity to grow from the sideline.
    It comes through serving. When I say be where your feet are. I'm talking about taking in the experience, enjoying it, gleaning and growing from it, and maximizing the experience. It's power for the next season.
    Choose an area to serve in. 
    It may be a need in the church or volunteering in the community. It may be an inner inclination or God could be leading you there. But, as a believer, serving expresses God’s heart towards others and impacts that area for the good of all. And as we serve we grow and are matured as well. This prepares us for our next season of purpose.  

    ~ Serving pulls on those abilities that indicate what we are purposed to do.
    Whatever God has purposed us to do; He has deposited and equipped us with the abilities to do it. As mentioned before, our abilities are indicators of our purpose. Like any other successful manufacturer, God designed and created us according to our purpose. This insures the highest level of success. As we serve, those abilities that He placed in us will come into fruition according to the task at hand.
    Serving taps and matures our abilities and causes growth and prepares us for our next season.

    ~ Serving provokes and taps into that potential God placed in us for His purposes 
    Get out of your comfort zone and serve. You may have never known that you could do something until you volunteered and tried. Potential and abilities are provoked when we try something new or get out of our comfort zone. Abilities are indicators of purpose.
    They were placed in us in potential form and must be provoked. Serving provokes that potential that God placed in us for His purposes. 

    As we serve, our potential emerges and helps us to recognize our purpose. 
    God has deposited in us the abilities to complete our purposes in potential form. That potential is provoked through serving. I encourage you to try your hand at serving in as many areas as you can and desire. One of them will provoke your potential and speak to God’s purpose for your life in that season. Your service will cause growth and make a difference in your community, government or church. As you serve and impact that area, you’re growing and being prepared for your next season of purpose.

    If we do nothing, those abilities go unprovoked and in some cases, wasted.
    And in some cases, misused or pointed in the wrong direction. God gave them to us to deposit in the earth according to His will and purposes. The apostle Paul realized that God had placed in him abilities, and insights for the purpose of serving the people.
    They impacted their lives and affirmed his purpose. His life became a drink offering of service to them. Philippians 2:17
    ~ Serving facilitates our great purpose of all, to please and glorify God – Colossians 3:23-24
    It’s God who gives us the abilities and talents to serve according to His will and purpose. All the glory goes to Him and Him alone. Even in this self centered me first society; as believers, our motives of service must be right with God. Although in many cases our abilities may garner blessings and even economic gain. And there is nothing wrong with that. But as believers, our primary motive in serving should be to do God's will, please him, complete our purposes to the glory of God.

    That's why we are to serve as unto the Lord 
    This is about our motives and attitude. If we serve for the money, worldly glory or for accolades from people our motives are incorrect. Our motives should be to serve our best as if we were serving God. And our attitude should reflect our desire to give our very best. This means that we serve in excellence. This means that we serve to please God and not man. As much as we all appreciate the accolades and thanks from people, ultimately, we should be serving as unto the Lord, to please Him to His glory.  

    Serving provides us the opportunity to grow, qualify the area through abilities, God’s anointing, provisions and grace.
    Serving impacts others and opens the door for us to discover our seasonal purposes. Serving causes those divine deposits placed in us by God to emerge and affirm our purpose. Serving is imperative to discovering your seasonal God given purposes.  

    Our desire is to hear God say well done my good and faithful servant. We serve to complete our God given purposes to the glory of God. If you truly desire to discover God’s purpose for your life; find a place to serve. 

    Serving opens the door for us to discover our God given purposes.


    Keep in mind that hearing alone does not impact your life or bring God’s success; obedience and application Does.
    Apply these instruction and walk in them. Then you will experience God’s influence in your life. 
    Joshua 1:8 / James 1:22

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