How to Study God's Word Effectively - Session 4 Revelation knowledge

    Jul 2, 2024 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    We study God's word to position ourselves to receive Revelation Knowledge from the Spirit of God

    Revelation knowledge is a kingdom key that illuminates liberates and empowers. Matthew 16:19
    There are two types of knowledge’s; sense knowledge and revelation knowledge. Sense knowledge is knowledge acquired from our five sense gates. Revelation knowledge is knowledge acquired from the illumination of God's Spirit.

    This was the type of knowledge Peter had received in Matthew 16:13-19
    Notice in verse 17, Jesus told him that he did not get the revelation of who is from flesh and blood, or his natural senses as in his five senses. Revelation knowledge come from the Holy Spirit. John 14:26 | John 16:14
    Herein is the need to study God's word effectively. When we read and study the word of God, we position ourselves to receive revelation knowledge, insight into the scriptures by the Holy Spirit. He will take you on a journey through researching the scriptures that will end in you having a greater understanding of that text or principle. It will be like a light coming on; all of a sudden you will understand it. That’s revelation knowledge from the Spirit of God.
    Look at Psalm 119:130. Now look at it the ESV version. 
    Psalm 119:130 (ESV) 130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.
    That word entrance in the Hebrew language means  to disclose or unfold. This is the illumination of the Holy Spirit imparting revelation knowledge to us. It will bring understanding and relevance to us. 

    The Spirit of God will reveal things to us as well as give us revelation into the scriptures. Jesus indicated that revelation knowledge is a rock. A rock that we can stand and build on it. It empowers us, gives us insight wisdom and
    it build our trust and faith in God. Revelation knowledge is the greatest knowledge given to humanity. However, it must be vetted to make sure it's from God. Sometime people think that what they perceive is from God, when it may not be from God. Or you need to do more research. Thankfully, there is a way to vet it. We will look at that later.

    Revelation knowledge is a Kingdom key that opens and unveils God’s will, perspectives and possibilities.
    • It builds faith and our expectation of God. Romans 10:17
    • It broadens our understanding of God's grace towards us through Jesus. 1st Peter 1:13
    • It unveils our inheritance and God's sufficiency for our lives. 1st Peter 1:3-4 / 2nd Peter 1:1-4
    • It unveils the things that God has prepared for us1st Corinthians 2:9-12  
    • It provides wisdom and a light to guide us. Psalm 119:105
    • It unveils who we are, freeing us of the need for people affirmation. 1st Peter 2:9-10 / 1st John 3:2
    However, you've got to put yourself in the right position to receive it. 2 Timothy 2:15 | 2 Peter 1:2-4
    We do this by reading and studying God's word. It position you to receive revelation knowledge from God's Spirit. 
    The more we read study and pray, the more we position ourselves to learn and develop a listening ear to be led and to receive insight and revelation knowledge from the Spirit of God and experience God's influence grace and peace.  

    This is the power and the influence of revelation knowledge. Again, this is why reading and studying God's word is necessary and so imperative.

    God has given us His Spirit to enable us to receive insight and revelation knowledge. John 16:13-14 
    He will take the things of God's kingdom and reveal them to us. Enabling God's insights to impact and flow in our lives. God’s kingdom is a superior operation. It moves regardless of what's taking place on earth. The key of revelation knowledge opens the door for us to understanding its operation.
    This is why we are to seek God's kingdom first. We seek God's kingdom through reading and studying His word. This positions us to receive revelation knowledge about how it operates and flows in our lives.

    And it is God's pleasure that we have access and flow in His kingdom Luke 12:32.
    The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit enables us to walk in God's character, receive revelation knowledge and flow in His Kingdom. This influences and impacts our lives.

    However, we have to vet it.
    We do this by trying the spirits because there’s a lot of error and deception out there. 1st John 4:1-6.
    As we look at the subject of revelation knowledge, we want to be mindful not to be deceived or in in error either by our own misinterpretations or by others. If we are not diligent, and follow biblical vetting practices we can think that we have revelation knowledge of the scriptures, but its not. And certainly, leaders can miss it as well and be in error.
    Some blatant; for their own benefit, others may have good intentions but simply miss the mark. And then there is the more diabolical deceptions hidden under the banner of religion or denominationalism. Their premise is that that they are operating according to the word of God as well. Nonetheless, you don't want to be the unlearned led into a ditch. 
    An example of leaders being in error is found in the book of Galatians. Galatians 2:14 | Galatians 5:1
    Paul warns this church to not fall into bondage through their doctrinal error. Research unveils that there were a group of leaders in the church called Judaizers. They believed that they were to keep the traditions and law as well as have faith in Jesus for their salvation. They were influencing the young believers in the church. Causing them to be in bondage and not experience God's liberty, influence and best. Paul tells them to stand in the liberty of God's truth. 

    Jesus corrected the leaders in His day about misunderstanding God's word. Matthew 22:23-33
    Errors can mislead, cripple growth and put people in bondage. When scriptures are taken out of context in the name of revelation knowledge, or manipulated for selfish use. It will negatively impact others faith, growth and possibly their salvation. Therefore, it becomes imperative and essential to study and rightly divide the word yourself.
    You need to know if its revelation knowledge from the Spirit of God yourself. This keeps you safe and causes growth. 
    It is our responsibility to do our own due diligence to read and study and compare line upon line, precept upon precept, try the spirits and be led by God's Spirit to determine truth. So we’re not the blind being led into a pit by the blind. 
    Thankfully, we are not left to ourselves to vet and qualify this. God gives us qualifiers to determine revelation knowledge. God's word has built in accountability within the scriptures themselves.

    Here are a few biblical principles that will enable you to qualify and distinguish God's revelation truths. 
    This is a part of trying the spirits. These points become check offs to determine whether it's revelation from God's Spirit. Or you need to research that point a little more, or its off and just error. This applies to your personal studying as books you read, or people you listen too. The more you use them, the better and quicker they will flow in your life.

    Consider the following points.

    ~ God's revelations will have two or three witness in His word. 2nd Corinthians 13:1
    God's word will undergird itself. The scriptures will support one another by one another. You should be able to find two or three scriptures supporting what you believe to be revelation knowledge from God. If you can't, there may be more studying needed. Or a misunderstanding of that text. Or it just may be error. You need two or three scriptural witnesses to affirm what you believe or what you hear as revelation knowledge from God. Matthew 18:16

    ~ Your Spirit will bear witness to the truth of God's revelation knowledge. 1st John 2:20
    Here is another part of trying the spirit. The Holy Spirit is present to guide and lead us into all truth John 16:13.
    He will cause us to have an an inward unction concerning revelation knowledge or error, a kind of check in your spirit. 
    This unction is a witness or a knowing that comes from the Spirit of God within us. We'll have a sense that alarms in our inner man. Don't ignore it, its alarming or affirming for your own good. It could impact your choices and life.

    Often people don't want to change or they desire a truth to fit into their box of ideologies, concepts or denominationalism. So, they  ignore it. Don't ignore it, It's an unction from the Spirit of God. He will lead our hearts
    to bear witness to truth or error every time. We just need to listen and flow with Him. 

    We all must try the spirit and qualify what we believe to be revelation from God. 
    We try the Spirit by qualifying content by the word of God and that inner unction. It keeps you safe and grounded with a sound mind. Don’t take anything or anybody for granted. Do your due diligence to study yourself and qualify what you hear or read, be a Berean Acts 17:11. It will keep you free, safe and it positions you to grow in Him. That your life would be impacted and God gets the glory. 

    ~ God's revelation causes you to have an inner peace in your heart. Psalm 85:8
    God's revelation is accompanied by His peace. The character of God is a good way to recognize if the Holy Spirit is involved. He will not lead us to go against God's nature or character. When you hear or come to know God's truth, there will be an inner peace. On the other hand, when you think that you heard or are believing something that may be error, there will be an unsettling or an uneasiness in your heart. If there is no inner peace, you may want to pump your brakes. Be guided by God's peace. Philippians 4:8-9

    ~ Revelation knowledge will bring liberty, not bondage. John 8:32
    God's revelation will not put you in bondage in regards to who you are, your call or abilities. There is a difference in discipline and bondage. Discipline is the parameters and guidelines in which we function and operate. They are there for our protection and growth. Bondage is the stifling and debilitating of our spiritual and natural growth and lives.

    God's revelations knowledge will not put you in bondage.
    Remember, Jesus said the truth will make you free. There are so many manmade doctrines customs, forms and religious rituals, concepts that infer that its revelation knowledge that sounds biblical, but they are not biblical.
    They impose conditions and behaviors that minimize growth, deceive and put people in bondage. 
    God's revelation knowledge does not do that. It liberates us to become our best and to fulfill our purpose.
    If it’s locking you down, it's not from God.

    ~ Revelation knowledge exalts and glorifies God and not man. Isaiah 42:8
    When you believe that God is conveying something to you or you're hearing something; ask the question; who is being glorified? If it exalts man above God, it is error. There is a difference in being honored and receiving God’s glory.
    Honor is appropriate, glorifying ones self is not. You ever noticed that the apostles understood being honored.
    But when men bowed down to them, they immediately rebuked them, never taking the glory due to God. Revelation knowledge will not lead you to exalt yourself above God.

    Look at Simon in Acts 8:9-24. This man was a leader in the church.
    He probably was a very good teacher and leader. Yet, all that he did was about him and him getting the glory.
    His pride and high-mindedness led him to be used by the enemy. Revelation knowledge does not point the glory at you. God doesn't share His glory. When the apostles arrived on the scene, they corrected and rebuked him.  All that we receive or are able to do is because of God's grace and mercy, to His glory. James 1:16-17

    All of our abilities were placed in us by God, for His purposes, to His glory. It's his grace, not us. 1 Corinthians 15:10
    Yes, God created us kings, queens and victors, but not to exalt ourselves above measure, but to glorify Him. 
    Avoid being high minded, and be mindful who is getting the glory. If that revelation glorifies you or man, it's not God.

    Studying God’s word opens the door to the power of revelation knowledge. Be mindful to vet it. 

    When God gives revelation knowledge, it liberates, builds faith and gives you assurance. It causes us to have an expectation of God. In addition, as we come into God's revelations, we discover who He is, who we are and our position in Him and His kingdom as His children. This is a point of humility and thanksgiving.
    As we learn to study God's word effectively, we position ourselves to receive revelation knowledge from the Spirit of God. It will illuminate, inspire and lead us into experiencing God's wisdom and influence in our lives.

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