How to Study God's Word Effectively - Session 3 study tools and types

    Jul 3, 2024 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    Understanding the the different types of study and the tools needed

    What do we do when we come across a particular scriptural text that we don't understand? Or how do we approach the bible when we desire a greater revelation of it? We study it further. Ok, how do we do that?

    To effectively study God's word, we have to understand that there are different types of studies and tools to assist us  
    The bible is full of revelations that God desires us to know and understand. However, unveiling them will require time, effort and the right types of study, using the right tools. Studying God’s word effectively is like anything else, it requires the right way and the tools. 
    There are tools to uncover those layers of understanding and Kingdom keys that unlock God's influence, wisdom and grace towards our lives. Keep in mind, although there are levels of understanding, the bible's central meanings, themes and doctrines do not change nor contradict one another. And no, God's word is not subject to individual interpretations as many would say. 2 Peter 1:19-21
    When properly exegesis technics are applied, that specific truth is reveal the same way. 

    There are different types of studies that require different tools.
    When you use them properly and do your digging, God will give you insight into His word. But you have to put in the work and study.
    Consider the following tools as a part of your biblical equipment. They will assist you in gleaning revelation and clarity of the scriptures, known as exegesis. It means to properly dissect the scriptures, precept upon precept, text upon text, in there correct context.
    Keep in mind that today, many of these tools are available on line.

    Here is just a few bible tools that will assist you in studying the bible effectively.

    Bible Commentary – Bible commentaries provide insight, descriptions and historical backgrounds of a particular scripture, character, text or a book of the bible. They are quite useful. They can give you a brief understanding and commentary of that scriptures. Also, some study bibles have references and commentaries in them. They are very brief because of volume and space restrictions. So it is suggested that you use individual commentaries. Keep in mind that they are commentaries written by educated people, And often, educated people miss the mark. I will cover the subject of revelation knowledge and how you know its God later.

    And the responsibility to glean truth is yours not theirs. You must study on your own and be led by God's Spirit.
    Nothing takes the place of your own personal studying and listening ear for the Holy Spirit to give you revelation.

    Here are a few examples of biblical Commentaries: 
    Unger’s, Zondervan, Matthew Henry, Adam Clark, Wesley's Explanatory Notes, Scofield Reference, The Works of Josephus. This is an initial list, but there are plenty more out there. Just keep in mind, they are commentaries from scholars who are people too. You still have to be a Berean and study it out. 

    Bible Dictionary
    – A major mistake that that many make is to use a regular dictionary like Webster's. It will not give you the insight that a good bible dictionary will. And often, it will give you the wrong meaning of a biblical word. This is because the original writings were not written in English. So the definition of the words can be quite different. Bible dictionaries can be a great source that provides historical and cultural backgrounds of books and characters in the bible. This can give you a better understanding of what was going on at that time. And assist in understanding the application of that text. Further study and the Holy Spirit will illuminate its relevance in your life and its application in our current times. So get yourself a good bible dictionary, like Nelsons, Zondervan, Unger’s, Wycliffe, etc.  

    – Have you ever asked; where is that text in the bible. You know some of it, but not where it is.
    A word concordance contains all the words in the bible. The Strong’s is a good tool to find any word you may desire to find in the bible and its scriptural location. The Strong's will help you find that scripture by listing all the words, where they are found. In addition, the Strong’s also has a dictionary in the back for Old and New Testament words. It's limited but helpful. The main focus for a bible concordance is to locate words and text.

    Vines word expository of Hebrew and Greek words
    – The bible was not written in English. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and a great deal of the New Testament was written in the Greek language. Very often, knowing a words original meaning will assist us in its understanding of that text. The Vines will give you the different definitions of Greek or Hebrew word found in the bible. This is a must if you desire to learn more about the scriptures. Often, our English language does not have the same amount of definitions associated with a particular word found in the bible. The Hebrew and Greek language can have several meanings to a particular word. Understanding them in that particular scripture placement helps you understand that scriptures better.
    The Vines gives those definitions and helps understand biblical words. It defines that word in that particular scripture. Example; the word love in the Greek language has several definitions. Defining the right word in that text gives a greater understanding of that scripture. Keeping it textually correct. 

    The Works of Josephus - 
    These are the commentaries of a historian name Flavius Josephus. He comments on the social, cultural and historical background of many books of the bible and scriptures on both, the New Testament and the Old Testament. He comments on several customs and traditions as well. His writings are a must for those who desire further insight. The Works of Josephus" is essential to us understanding the environment surrounding many of the text written in the bible. 

    Bible handbooks
    – Bible handbooks provide information about the scriptures, culture, writer and other information that assist in studying the bible.  Here are a few: Halley's Bible handbook, Bakers Handbook of the Bible, Holman Illustrated Bible handbook, The MacArthur Bible handbook. These handbooks are quite useful in studying the bible.

    Computer Software
    – Some are free and some are very expensive. However most will allow you to have excess to a lot of information at a keystroke. Be mindful that some offer other related books. However, it cost to unlock them or to purchase upgrades to excess them.
    And be mindful to research them carefully, so you don’t download or purchase something you don’t need or will not use all of its functions. Again, they can be expensive. But most are available on line. 

    The good thing about bible software is that it has many of the above mentioned study tools integrated within the software. That makes things quicker and easier. And it enables you to take your bible, library and tools with you wherever you go. And many of them have built in daily devotionals as well. For convenience and quick accessibility, this is the way to go. It makes research easy and quicker. 
    Here are just a few: Word Search, Logos Bible software, Accordance bible software, E-SWORD, Olivetree, Youversion, The Bible Analyzer, Laridian Pocket Bible, SwordSearch Bible software. But there are plenty more out there. 

    And certainly today you can Google just about anything. 
    The internet opens up an entire assortment of study references and materials. You have excess to material at the click of a mouse or simply typing into the browser a word or subject. It can make studying so much easier and faster. And most if not all of the study tools needed to research are available on line. 

    Now let's look at the different types Studies

    There are different types of studies that assist us in achieving our desire to research and correctly exegesis the scripturas. The following are a list of basic types of studies and the tool you will need to do them. They can provide different information outcomes in your studies and research. Understanding them can help you in your approach in regards to what you are desiring to know and understand. There are so many answers to questions when you study God's word.  You just have to choose to put in the work by studying them out.

    Word Study
    A study of an individual word found in scripture. Again, the King James Bible was translated into the English language primarily from the Hebrew and the Greek language. Often the words have several different meanings in its original language. The ability to define that word in its context and original language provides a greater revelation of that particular scripture text. Again, using Webster's dictionary may not give you the accurate biblical meaning of that word. For an example; the word conversation in Webster's dictionary means to verbally exchange words with another person. However, in Ephesians 2:3, the word conversation in Greek is anastrefo, it means way of life.
    The original word and thought has nothing to do with verbal communications. It is associated with a way of living. If you read that text with that understanding it gives you a greater understanding of that text. 

    Using the right tool to do a word study defines the word and assist you in getting a better understanding of that text.
    The word love in the New Testament has different meanings in different text. Understanding that specific meaning in that text helps us better understand that text. Knowing that difference based on it scriptural placement and meaning according to its original language provides clarity and understanding of that particular scriptural text. 
    Tools needed- Vines expository dictionary / Bible Dictionary / Strong’s concordance

    Character Study
    This is a study of an individual in the Bible. The following areas consist of doing a character study. Some you can dig and find information on them, others  you may not be able to get that information. But you want to gain as much information about them that you can.
    • You want to know what their name means. And if God changed it, you need to know its new meaning. Example: What does the original names and meaning of the three Hebrew boys in Daniel 1:6-7. And what was the meaning of their new names in Daniel 3:12
    • You want to know their history and linage if available. Who was their father or mother. Who was born through their linage and their impact on God's plan for their lives, family, community or their salvation.  
    • You want to know their place and impact on God's purposes or plans. Understanding the Apostle Paul's background as Saul, an educated Pharisees and wealthy educated man gives us insight in regards to the power of his conversion. As well as how God used him to pin some of the text in the New Testament. As well as why he was used to pin certain text. 
    • You want to know their station in life. And if there are any changes after encountering God. Consider Abram, he was a very wealthy man. Yet, God is instructing him to uproot everything and move to a different place. This is why God revealed Himself to Abram as the all sufficient provider. Character studies looks at these points and adds to your understanding of the text they are found in. 
    • You want to know who they are in their community. Who they are in the general, professionally and in the community may matter. When doing a character study, you are looking at this point.  
    • You want to know God's impact on their lives. Who were they and their station and place in life before and after God's influence matters? A character study would give us insight concerning Peter. He was a tuff, impetuous man. This lets us know why he often responded without thinking. Yet, it also speaks to power of his changed life after meeting and the Lord.   
    • You want to know God's purpose for their lives. God is a God of purpose. When we discover a persons purpose through studying the bible, we discover the nature of God as a God of purpose. 
    • And you want to know the culture surrounding their lives. This further gives revelation in regards to the context surrounding them in the bible. To do a good character study you will need the right tools. Although today, it's easier to use the internet to inquire about them, the following tools will assist as well. All of this is done by doing a character study of an individual,                                                 

    Tools needed - Bible Dictionary, Bible Commentaries, Vines, Concordance, Bible hand book.

    Book Study
    This is a study of one of the individual 66 books found in the bible. If possible, you want to know the writer of that particular book. Often this helps understand the style and flow of the text. The apostle Paul wrote several books in the New Testament. Because of the strong Roman military influence, he used quite a few military metaphors to convey biblical truth; such as the armor of God in Ephesians. And he used several athletic metaphors; Rome was big on Olympian sparts activities. Yet, the eloquence and detailed writings of Acts, speaks to Luke.
    Luke was an educated doctor. In doing a book study, this helps to understand the flow of acts and Luke. 

    • If you can, you want to know the time it was written. Knowing the time that it was written provides you with the culture and climate surrounding the text. This is key information when we are trying to gain further understanding of what the scriptures are telling you. And certainly, there were conditions that framed the narrative of that text.
    • If you can, you want to know the government and spiritual influences and climate surrounding the book. Often, we take these things for granted when we read the bible. Yet, understanding them gives you insight to the text. This includes the historical social and economical background of the region. As well as its cultural customs, religious customs and traditions. Understanding them help you from the environment surrounding the text. 
    • You want to recognize if there is a constant them or themes in the book. Some books have several themes in them, others like Philemon has one, redemption. Doing a book study of this small text will point that out. You want to recognize those consistencies of thought that speaks to a particular subject theme. It helps us receive revelation of God's heart, character and intent.
    • You want to know how this book impacts God's plans for humanity. God's plans for our lives and ultimately for humanity is outlined in His word. As we study, we need to know and understand how they speak to God's plan and will for our lives and humanity.
    • You want to find Jesus in the book. From Genesis to Revelation, there are inferences, analogies, comparisons, types of or corresponding facts that point to Jesus Himself or his heart. In many of the text in the Old Testament, they are types and shadows of Him. His coming culminated them. When doing a book study, finding Him in the text, may give you a greater revelation of who He is, and His work towards humanity according to God's heart and plan.                                                                                             

    Tool’s needed – Bible Dictionary, Bible Commentary, computer resources and study guides.

    Theme Study

    A theme study is a study of a particular theme in the Bible. It may cover both New and Old testaments. However the theme will remain the same. In a theme study you want to know how it impacts God’s plans and how it impacts lives. A theme study becomes impactful when we realize its significance and application to our lives. Like love, or grace. 
    Tool’s – Bible Dictionary, Bible Commentary, Vines

    The question has to be broached; how does this translate to where we are today. 
    The more relevant the word is, the more meaning it will have in our lives. And the more we study God's word, the more we position ourselves to receive revelation knowledge from the Spirit of God to apply and impact our lives. Consider getting each of these tools. And get a soft wear program that makes them all available. 

    When you come across a particular scripture that gives you pause, its time to take a journey to study it out.
    Using the different types of study will help you narrow down your approach and define the information that you are looking to learn. And the tools will assist in making that happen. This way, your studying will have structure and intent behind it. Giving you the best opportunity to learn and understand the word of God. To provide a greater level revelation from the Spirit of God. This way, you can learn on your own. 

    No, it doesn't take the place of those spiritual leaders God has assigned to the church to cause us growth. But it does position you to compare what they are teaching you to God's word. And it just may lead you to that place of leadership to serve, mentor and teach others.

    You want to be your best and grow with God; get these tools and use the different types of studies. And become an forever learner by reading, studying and applying Gods word regularly. And watch you life change and those around you impacted, to the glory of God.

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