The Need & Power of a Renewed Mind - Romans 12:2 -Part 2

    Mar 8, 2023 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    The Need & Power of a Renewed Mind - Romans 12:2 | Part 2 

    The Impact of Renewing our Mind

    ~ Renewing our minds impacts the altitude and latitude in every area of our lives. 
    As we raise our knowledge about any given area, we raise our effectiveness and competency I that area. This is applicable spiritually and naturally. It doesn't matter the area, our thinking determines how high we go and how broad we expand spiritually and naturally. 

    Think about it; there is a very good chance that someone who has a masters or doctorate degree will earn more than the person who has a high school diploma. Our thinking impacts our altitude and latitude in every area of our lives spiritually and naturally. God’s ways and thought are higher than ours. Isaiah 55:8-9 A renewed mind raises our altitude and broaden our latitude.

    ~ Renewing our minds impacts how we perceive ourselves and our self expectations
    Our perception of ourselves is in our thinking. If it's negative our self esteem and expectation of our selves will be low. This can impact how we manage our relationships, succeed and live our lives. As most except the love and behavior from others that they believe they deserve. And what they think they deserve is associated with their self esteem.

    And although God has declared who we are and what we are capable of doing and released things for us, those areas will be hindered because of our negative distorted self image of ourselves that's in our thinking. We will not out perform our perception of ourselves.

    We find this with the children of Israel in Numbers 13:30-33. 
    God declared that they were His people and that He had prepared a place of destiny for them. However, their distorted self image impeded many of them from experiencing it. They saw themselves as grasshoppers, lower than others, unable to achieve or walk in what God had destined for them. Their low self esteem compromised their faith in God. Only those who saw themselves the way God did entered into the promise land and experienced God’s best. What we think of ourselves impacts our confidence, self expectations and how we live forward 

    On the other hand, consider Gideon in Judges 6:11-12. 
    Notice the angel called him a mighty man of valor in that verse. Then notice how Gideon responded in Judges 6:15. Gideon initially had a negative distorted perception of himself. It led him to have low self esteem and a low expectation of himself. He renewed his mind according to who God called him to and led the victory and eventually became a judge in the nation. This is the impact of renewing our minds. It raises our lives spiritually and naturally. 

    This is the power and the impact of renewing your mind.
    Renewing your mind anchors your perception of yourself in God’s word. Renewing our minds establishes who God declares we are and what He created us to accomplish and become. It builds our self esteem, unveils our potential, and empowers us to grow and become our best.  

    Here is a quick follow up assignment to assist you in the process. 
    I challenge you to go through the bible and write down several passages that declare who you are and what you are capable of doing. Read them every day for 30 days. Agree with them, declaring them over your life. Your declarations aren't about where you are now, but what and who you are becoming and what you are able to achieve later. Here are a few to jump start it: 1st Peter 2:9-10, Psalm 139:14, Revelation 5:10, Philippians 4:13

    ~ Renewing our minds impacts how we perceive who God is.  
    We've got to renew our minds in regards to who God is through His word. We need not guess or make up something that facilitates a misguided religious position or concept of who God is. It's about going to the scriptures and learning who God declares He is and renewing our mind accordingly. It’s much better to renew our minds with who God declares He is in His word.

    Moses asking God who shall he tell the children of Israel sent him.
    Exoduses 3:13-15
    They had been living under Egypt's concepts and they recognized many God’s. The major ones had names and were believed to have power. This was about them learning who God was to assure them that He was above them all and able to deliver them from the hands of Egypt. 

    God instructed Moses to tell them that I AM sent you. This word I AM is referring to Elohim, the all powerful supreme one. As they renewed their minds in regards to who they were dealing with, they had faith and were willing to follow Moses out of Egypt. God did what He said He would do and delivered them out of Egypt and led them to the promise land.

    As we renew our minds as to who God is, we will find Him bigger than our problems.
    When we come to realize that we are dealing with all Mighty God, the supreme one it should impact our faith and establishing our respect for God. It's about renewing our minds as to who God is, honoring and respecting Him. This is better done by understanding who God reveals Himself to be in His word. God does this through His declared names in his word. Renewing our minds in regards to who God is impact our faith and trust in god.
    ~ Renewing our minds impacts how we perceive the world. 1st John 2:15-17 / 2nd Peter 3:11-14 
    We understand that the world in its current state is not operating according to God’s plan and that He eventually will change it. Therefore, our focus should not be on anchoring our hearts in this world. That way, we will not attach ourselves to it, but look into the future of a new world and a new heaven. What we are witnessing in the planet is the result of sin and separation from God, His word and His kingdom. This mindset should impact how we live. 

    Think for a moment about Sodom and Gomorrah. 
    God had determined to judge them because of their sexual perversions and sins. However, Lot, Abrahams nephew had taken his family to that area as a means of separating from Abraham. Abraham confronted the angelical being that had been sent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and learned of God’s impending judgment. He interceded to God on their behalf. The angelical beings were instructed to pull Lot and his family out prior to the administering God’s judgment.

    The angelical beings instructed them to leave with them ad not look back. Unfortunately, Lot’s wife loved that world more than God. She looked back and became a pillar of salt. Renewing our minds about this world should lead us to anchor our heart in God, loving Him more than this world.
    ~ Renewing our minds impact how we perceive ourselves, God and the world we live in.
    When our minds are renewed in these arras it informs our behavior, builds our faith and trust in God and empowers us to become our very best. Renewing our minds impacts our relationship with God, ourselves and how we live out our faith. It raises every area of our live to the place God destined us to live and opens the door to God kingdom influence in our lives.

     Click here for part 3 / How do we Renew our Minds

    Keep in mind that hearing alone does not impact your life or bring God’s success; obedience and application Does. Apply these instruction and walk in them. Then you will experience God’s influence in your life. Joshua 1:8 / James 1:22

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