Growing Through Discipleship

    Jul 22, 2021 | by Teacher Michael Carter

    Godly Leadership is a Kingdom Key - Matthew 16:19

    Why should we continually study leadership. Leadership is an inexhaustible subject that should be revisited and taught regularly because of its impact on every area of our lives. Nothing shapes an organization, business church or even our personal lives more than leadership. Fact is; in our lives or in any organization, success or failure rises or falls on the shoulders of its leaders. 

    Unfortunately, many aren’t taught the principles of leadership. As a result many do not realize their full potential and acquiesce decisions that impact their lives to others. Lack of Godly leadership impacts our world, nation, communities, businesses, churches and homes. Growing in Godly leadership principles puts you in the drivers seat to lead and be agents of impact, change and influence in those areas. Leadership is a primary kingdom key that opens doors and empowers our personal and organizational success. It's a necessary topic to continually teach on.

    Jesus focused and taught about Godly leadership. He looked at them and concluded that they had a leadership problem in Matthew 9:36. This word shepherd used here means pastor or leader. He is pointing out that their conditions were greatly impacted by the lack of leadership among them. He took twelve disciples and taught them kingdom leadership principles, and their impact is still touching others today. Leadership concepts aren't new. They were impactful then and are impactful today. Godly leadership is God's idea. Jesus taught and modeled Godly kingdom leadership. We approach Godly leadership from a kingdom perspective to experience its full power and impact that lines up with God's will and purposes. Godly leadership is a very powerful and needful kingdom key in our lives.  

    Here is the innate power and impact of leadership
    • Aside from outside influences, very little happens in our lives that we want to happen without our leadership.
    • Typically, very little changes occur that we desire in our lives without our leadership.
    • Hardly anything improves in our lives that we want to be better without our leadership.
    • And very little is corrected in our lives, homes or surroundings without leadership.
    • And very little advances in our lives or in the world without leadership.
    • Aside from God and other influences, very little starts and finishes in our lives without leadership.
    Settle this in your thinking; WE ALL WERE GIVEN A LEADERSHIP SPIRIT BY GOD TO LEAD. 
    Leadership was a necessary trait that God had to place into humanity in order to do what He purposed us to do. Genesis 1:26-28. So yes, everyone is born with an innate leadership spirit, given to them by God. It doesn't matter where you are, or your position, you have the capacity to lead and be an agent of influence impact and change. Although you may or may not see yourself as a leader, you are by virtue of creation. Don't be a leader stuck in a followers mentality. With that mindset, you will look to others to do or make choice that impact your life. In that scenario, you a the passengers riding along in the direction and choices they make. Move to the drivers side, drive and lead your own life and impact the sphere of your influence. We all were created and given the capacity to lead by God. Therefore, see yourself as a leader, and an agent of change and influence. So, what then is a leader?

    First; lets look at what a leader is not.

    • A leader is not a dictator
    • A leaders is not always the boss
    • A leader is not a manager, managers maintain, leaders lead
    • A leader is not the one always in charge, up front or in control
    • A leader is not always the smartest among the group
    • A leader is not the one who knows everything
    • A leader is not the one who makes all the decisions

    What then is a leader? 

    Most scholars identify a leader as one who effectively guides and influences others to accomplish set purposes, goals and directives. This definition of a leader is half true because it typically concentrates on the success and purpose of the organization opposed to the development and discipleship of people. That is why it is partially correct. If all of your influence and direction is associated with the organization only, you will be the only one leading. This is why many organizations and even churches are in a crisis when it comes to leadership. When the primary leader is absent, the organization stumbles. This concept of leadership cripples the organization by not developing others. And eventually it leads to the primary leader getting burned out. Moses father in law advised him to develop others to handle certain matters, while he focused on the major ones. Exodus 18:13-27
    This is why I use the term Godly leadership.
    A Godly leader operates in God's virtues and approaches leadership from a kingdom perspective and principles. Yes, Godly leaders influences others to accomplish set goals and purposes. But in addition, and very important, they look to develop others to become leaders. This model of leadership is based on the biblical principles of discipleship and succession. While focusing on accomplishing set purposes, visions and goal, you are developing others, facilitating their growth and the principle of succession.

    That’s what makes Moses such a great leader. Although he was purpose driven to lead them out of Egypt, he focused on mentoring others, more specifically Joshua. He was preparing him to lead. Yes, and obviously with the help of God, he galvanized and led a nation out of Egypt. He was purposed to do that. Yet, while doing so, he prepared his successor. Remember, it was Joshua who led them into the promise land, not Moses. As you lead, look to mentor someone to take your place. It prepares them and prepares you for your next season. No, the world doesn't think like that. And that's why we are in the Godly leadership drought that's impacting everything. Getting away from God and His principles effects more than we think. In impacts personal lives, homes, communities, churches, our government and yes, our social order.  

    We lead as ambassadors, the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
    We live this out by providing illumination, and His kingdom influence in the sphere of our influence. This is real leadership in action. The world, our nation, our communities, churches and homes are in desperate need for the people of God to develop and grow in Godly leadership. Romans 8:19

    Here are a few leadership principles  to apply to your life

    ~ We all were given a leadership spirit by God that needs to be birthed.
    Our leadership spirit is provoked and birthed by a cause or a purpose. God can use a situations or a challenges to provoke and birth our leadership spirit. Or we can find a worthy cause or purpose to champion and the leader within you will be birthed. This is what happened with David in 1st Samuel 17. God is a God of purpose and preparation. Yes, David was called by God and anointed king by Samuel in 1st Samuel 16:7-13. He had showed himself faithful over the sheep he was assigned to and learned to trust God when defending them from the lion and the bear.  But he needed something to birth his leadership spirit. It came in the form of a giant name Goliath 1st Samuel 17. David was moved by a purpose. And that purpose birthed his leadership spirit. Our leadership spirit is birthed by a cause or a purpose. Purpose is the motivation behind leadership! 

    Look around in your life; is there a cause or purpose that speaks to you to champion. Act on it and birth your leadership spirit; and be the leader you were called and created to be by God. Those around you need it! 

    ~ Leaders are initiators and agents of change.
    Very often there are things that need to be done or changed. Yet, some simply look to someone else to do it, or don't want to get involved, or don't want the confrontation or he responsibility. But inside, they know something needs to be done. As a leader, we are agents of change. If you see something that needs to be done, initiate it yourself. Again, look at David in 1st Samuel 17. He saw a need to stand up against the enemy and did something about it. After asking the soldiers around him if they were going to do something and got no response, he  initiated it. Yes, he picked a fight with the biggest guy on the field. Sometimes, things will look that way. But as with David, when God is on our side we are favored to win no matter the odds.

    The great late Senator John Lewis would call it getting into good trouble. He was referring to being an agent of action and change. Don't wait, or look for others to do something, initiate it yourself and lead. Leaders are initiators and agents of change.

    ~ Our innate leadership spirit needs a cause or a purpose to champion 

    That purpose or cause becomes the thing your leadership spirit needs to champion. Again, using David in 1st Samuel 17 as an example. The Philistines had their champion representing their cause. While Saul was no where to be found, Israel needed a champion. David answered the call. The champion within him had a job, or a purpose and his leadership spirit arose. Look around in the sphere of your influence. Is there a cause or a purpose that touches your heart that needs your attention to champion. Discover and commit to a cause or a purpose and your leadership spirit will arise. Here is where purpose comes in. The leader in you needs a purpose. Fact is; purpose is the undergirding force behind our leadership. Purpose provokes potential and gives your leader within something to champion.

    Therefore the champion in you needs a purpose or a job.
    Live your life on purpose by finding a purpose to champion. Something to give yourself to in service. When you do, your potential and leadership spirit will rise, bless others, make a difference and bring fulfillment to your life.  As well as glorify God who created you to do it!

    ~ Godly leaders are servants 
    Leadership is about serving. And serving is one of the greatest calls to humanity. Here is where many of those whom we have expressed our confidence in to provide leadership have missed it. Many of them, spiritual, government, political and others think that they are to be served because of their position. On the contrary, their positions are positions of service. Notice what Jesus said about leadership and serving. Two of His disciples had their mother approach Him about being at His right hand. This was bout ambition. Notice, He did not rebuke their ambition to be great or excel, He simply taught them that it was defined and accomplished through serving Matthew 20:20-28.

    When we discover purpose and lead, we are to serve that area out of the measure, abilities or gifting deposited in us by God.
    This is called servant leadership. As we lead through serving, we grow, others are impact and God gets the glory because He designed us according to this purpose and calling. When we answer the call, He gets the glory as our creator, designer and architect. 

    Keep in mind that hearing alone does not impact your life or bring God’s success; obedience and application Does. Apply these instruction and walk in them. Then you will experience God’s influence in your life. Joshua 1:8 / James 1:22

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