Studying God's word Effectively - 2nd Timothy 2:14-15

    Oct 25, 2022 | by Teacher Michael Carter




    Kingdom Principle: Discipleship causes growth, transformation and succession. Matthew 28:18-20
    It provides biblical instructions to assist your growth, give help and support when you need it, leadership and the much needed  accountability.
    Discipleship is a necessary kingdom principle that every believer should be a part of. We all should be a part of some type of biblical learning system. 
    Life Application: Choose a bible base method or track of learning to commit to, apply and follow. Joshua 1:8
    Keep in mind, this program is not designed to take the place of your churches Disciple Program; but to provide a program for those who don't have one or to add to the one you are currently participating in. This ministry is purposed to educate, develop and impact lives. This program is designed to do just that. 

    We strongly suggest that you read this free PDF Book - A Christian in a Non-Christian world by: Charles Seet
    Click the book to view and read

    When we look at Matthew 28:19 we find the Lord using the word teach.
    The word teach used here is the Greek word math-ayt-yoo-o. It means to methodically disciple. A disciple is one who submits, follows and applies the method of teachings of another. We are to be discipled according to the methods taught by Jesus concerning God, His Kingdom and His word.
    Jesus didn’t just want us to be saved, He desires and commands us to be discipled. Discipleship is how we grow personally, grow with God and establish our roots is our faith. Discipleship will impact your life and cause transformation. 

    Look at it in the NIV version of that text. 
    Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." The Lord desires, calls and commands us to be disciples and to disciple others. 

    Jesus discipled those that committed and followed Him - Matthew 9:9-13 / Mark 2:13-17
    He knew the need and impact it would have on those who committed to Him. And He knew that the challenges that they would face required them to be anchored in His word. He led and taught them according to God’s Kingdom and word, not according to their sensibilities or any religious concept.
    It impacted, empowered and changed their lives. In addition, it caused the principle of succession to flow by preparing them to disciple others; perpetuating and advancing the kingdom of God. When things became crazy, they were able to maintain their faith and even grow through it all. 

    Discipleship caused them to become Christ-like. Acts 11:26

    The term Christian used in this text had nothing to do with religion. Christianity had not been recognized as an organized religion until many years later.  The term Christian used here described the impact Jesus's discipleship had on those that followed Him  and walked in is teachings and principles. It impacted and transformed them into Christlikeness. That’s why they were called Christians. Actually, they didn't call themselves that, others did. They called them Christians because they behaved Christ-like lives.  

    As believers, it is very important to be discipled.

    • It positions us to grow personally and in a deeper relationship with God
    • It develops our biblical understanding of our world and the will and intent of God concerning it
    • It anchors our soul in God, enabling us to withstand persecution and deception of the world
    • It empowers our self-esteem and positions us to grow and become who God declares we are. 
    • It builds our faith and develops our trust in God.

    Here is what occurs when we aren’t discipled correctly

    • Without it, we cannot establish spiritual roots, making it easy to be led astray.
    • Without it, the word does not uproot error and establish your faith in truth
    • Without it, growth is hindered as well as our relationship with God and His kingdom
    • Without it, we are tempted to live carnal worldly lives that don’t please God
    • Without it, we cannot experience the best of God and His kingdom
    • Without it, we cannot grow and be changed into Christlikeness
    • Without it, our faith may be compromised, exposing us to being left behind when Jesus returns

    We should desire to live purpose driven lives, full enjoyable, fruitful and pleasing lives unto God. Discipled helps us to live that life and bring glory to God. 
    Often when folk get saved, they are excited and full of zeal.
    But that’s not enough to cause your growth; you need to be taught and discipled. Yes, it’s the beginning of a wonderful relationship with God.
    Well, that excitement will eventually wear off. And as in any personal relationship your relationship with God must be cultivated and maintained to grow. 
    So, when the excitement and zeal dwindles, and the challenges of life occur, you have a heart felt establish fervent relationship with God established
    in the truth of His word, that settles your soul.  

    When we first get saved, we are babes in Christ with no foundation or established roots. 1Peter 2:2 
    As a baby you are unlearned and undeveloped in your relationship with God, His word or kingdom. Therefore you need to be taught. So, you can be led in Kingdom ways and principles. And when the challenges of life hit, you can better handle them because of your knowledge and relationship with God. Without a root system it’s easy to succumb to error, deceptions and persecution that could compromise or dislodged you from the faith. Mark 4:16-17. 
    But as a disciple, you are informed and knowledgeable. So you are not easily tricked or led estray. You have anchored your soul and faith in your relationship with God through being discipled in His word.  2 Peter 1:2-4

    Consider Paul's reference to Demas as a co-laborer in Philemon 1:24.
    Then notice Paul's commits about Demas in 2nd Timothy 4:10. Somewhere along his walk, he left them, loving this world. There is a very good chance, that he may have not completely establish his roots in a personal relationship with God through God's word and discipleship. Discipleship helps to establish roots to keep you stable and in the faith. So you are not led away by this world. Discipleship is necessary if you desire to anchor your soul, grow in your faith and be knowledgably of God's word. It will impact your life and relationship with God.  

    Discipleship is a call to us all to give our hearts and minds to God and establish Him as the cornerstone of our lives. 
    Here is where most believers set themselves up to fail. They get saved but do not submit themselves to discipleship. Some believe that going to church is enough. So, they don't look to be taught or discipled. Others clearly know what it means, but do not desire to change and not live worldly. They are misled, ignorant or simply love this world more than God as Demas did.

    Therefore, many do not submit to discipleship. So they do not come to know God's His word or develop a personal relationship with Him. Consequently, some backslide. or simply become religious, remain worldly, or maintain a form of Godliness but no power. That's a dangerous place to be.
    2 Peter 3:11-14

    Discipleship lays the foundational cornerstones of the faith in our lives and positions us to know God personally. 
    The Lord desires, calls and commands us to be disciples and to disciple others. We all should be on a continual track of discipleship in His word, Kingdom principles and character. It matters not the age; we all should be ever learners. Philippians 3:14. 
    We should be disciples of Christ, submitting and applying His teachings, living Christ-like lives. 
    Discipleship is a process of committing to learning, obeying and applying those teachings in the bible to our lives. It empowers and informs our behavior and our relationship with God. It impacts our perspectives, relationships and lives. There is not an area in our lives that discipleship does not impact. This is why we are commanded to be disciples. 

    Discipleship is a kingdom principle that causes succession

    Succession is the process and preparation of someone to lead and walk into something or to take your place to lead and move something further. Succession is how true legacy is built. If you are able to pass something down or prepare someone to lead something and it is improved, your impact is felt in the future. That’s legacy building. To do this effectively, you have to disciple someone else, teach and train them in what you know. This application of discipleship is legacy building. It's exactly what Jesus did. He chose twelve men, and discipled them to take His place and perpetuate His teachings.

    Another good example of discipleship causing succession is Moses and Joshua.
    Moses led them out of Egypt, but Joshua led them into the promise land. This was the result of Moses pouring into Joshua and discipling him.
    This is why discipleship is such a needful powerful kingdom principle. Choose to be a disciple and position yourself to disciple others. It impacts lives, passes legacy down and perpetuates the growth of the kingdom of God. 

    How does this on line Discipleship course work?

    This is a track course that you can do in your own time at your pace. When you finish one point, just move to the next. Yes, there is a test after each point. But that’s just to reinforce what you’ve learned. Or to bring clarify to a particular area. The correct answers ae made available for you to check yours by. If you are skipping to the answers without trying to complete the test on your own, you may have bigger problems going on in your life. And if you have any questions submit them on the contact form on the site. Someone from our ministry will respond to your question and assist you in the process. We intent to provide instructions that will assist you in your growth.

    Committing to track course of discipleship positions to grow and be transformed. 
    Within this teaching outline is a series of points that will assist you in the process. Each point will have a kingdom principle that anchors the teaching in the word of God with a life application.

    Keep in mind, the bible doesn’t work without application. 

    Without application, you may have knowledge but you will not experience growth. When you apply and live out what you learn you will be empowered and transformed. This is the power and impact of discipleship. We should desire to live a full enjoyable life that’s fruitful and pleasing unto God. Being discipled positions us to live that life and bring glory to God.

    Well, as the eloquent ring announcer would say “let’s get it on”

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    Click here for Point 1 

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